Visual Thinking to find Business Opportunities.

Visual Thinking is a methodology that uses images symbols, sketches, drawings, pictures, diagrams and even physical models to expedite the understanding of a subject, for the creation of media content and creative problem solving. With this OER we invite students to experience the dynamics of visualization to spark their imagination, ignite creative thinking, map-out challenges, envision solutions and find business opportunities. As business creation processes have complex interrelationships and parts to be taken into account, visual thinking is fundamental to help to map-out all parts, create meaning and build a whole picture. The textile innovation process involves gathering and analysing information from experimentations, innovative research and manufacturing new materials. This process is the result of the creativity, communication and organization within an interdisciplinary group.

Keywords: Visual Thinking, Business Opportunities, Visual Tools, Sketching Solutions, Business Design, Textile Innovation, Context Map, Actant Canvas, Business Model Canvas


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DESTEX project (INDUSTRIAL AND CREATIVE DESIGN IN ADVANCED TEXTILE MANUFACTURING; project reference number 2019-1-SE01-KA203-060379) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.